The World’s First Primary Hemostatic Agent
With SeraSeal, blood is clotted without additional tissue damage in record time. Every surgical theater in the world will improve with the proven results of SeraSeal.
Red Blood Cells: Building Blocks Of Our Lives
SeraSeal represents a new generation of medical device. SeraSeal improves surgical efficiency, reduces cost and dramatically impacts patient outcomes.
This child’s skin graft is one in a million.
Over One Million Successful SeraSeal cases worldwide and counting.
SeraSeal addresses healthcare cost from many angles
In 2022, the cost and access to healthcare worldwide is its own emergency. SeraSeal is an important tool of improvement.
Application of SeraSeal
Animation example of SeraSeal application on transected arterial bleed.
Inside the trending story of SeraSealTM
How to Apply SeraSeal
For medical practitioners and surgeons worldwide, SeraSeal represents a substantial move forward in the arrest of bleeds from all sources. In this general overview, the basics of SeraSeal are presented in “How to Apply SeraSeal,” separated by types of bleeds with important tips for proper application. SeraSeal: How to Apply…
SeraSeal 2025 Introduction
Wortham Laboratories welcomes you to SeraSeal with this overview of the product, its purpose, its marketplace and its performance. SeraSeal is the world’s first primary hemostatic agent, poised to cut time in surgery, reduce medical cost, lower need for post-op pain management and save lives by stopping bleeding. SeraSeal belongs…
SeraSeal Cost Savings
Stemming the growth of healthcare cost has become a major policy priority, as government, employers, and consumers increasingly struggle to equitably distribute resources. Over the past two years in an era of pandemic, every society on the globe has faced mounting pressure to recognize and address stress points in medical…
Need for SeraSealTM is everywhere.
The necessity to arrest and manage bleeding is an “everywhere” proposition, from scheduled surgeries and emergency procedures to first responders and the battlefield. SeraSealTM is a ready reality for this generation of medical care.

About Wortham Laboratories
Wortham Laboratories, Inc. is an emerging leader in hemostatic wound healing and coagulation products, which represent the next generation of modern medicine.
Our core flagship product is SeraSeal, the world’s first primary hemostatic agent.
Our International Headquarters are located in the United States, with a distributor network which reaches across the globe.
We are pleased you are visiting today, and stand ready to serve you with exceptional products backed by outstanding technical service.